=============================================================== TOUZAI-Mahjong can be registered online with CompuServe. Just GO SWREG and register the program with ID # 1249. Registration fee is $25.. =============================================================== TOUZAI-Mahjong ORDER FORM Select one from under 3 way, and send $25.00 U.S. to address below with order form paper. 1. Money order U.S. Bill . 2. International postal money order. 3. International postal giro. postal transfer account No. 00260-7-43482 JAPAN Caution : Credit cards (like American Express international money order) or Bank money orders are not accepted. To mail: 732-1 Kuden-chou , Sakae-ku, Yokohama City, Kanagawa-ken, 247 Japan name: Junichi Saitoh ------------------- order form --------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- I order ID of TOUZAI-Mahjong. Name: ________________________Date:___________ Company: ________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________ City, State: ________________________________________ Zip,Country: ________________________________________ Phone: _______________ Fax: _________________ Internet E-Mail address: _________________________________ Where did you get this copy (vendor,BBS,friend): _____________________________________________________ -